So the lord whispered to me when I woke up Tuesday to go back to the quad at Diablo Valley College and pray for revival. I followed His lead back into the fray and brought along this on-fire CalGrad gurl named Patty, ...all we did was sit down on a concrete wall to watch and pray and whoosh 60 minutes later God planted a simple church there in front of us, in front of the bookstore: w/ a cool Philipino catholic dude named John Paul who's in a rock band from San Pablo, this steady CIBC hong kong chinese guy named Johnathon whoz the catalyst from Walnut Creek, a Korean International student named Byeonghe from P-Hill, and this black musician brother named Lemar from Richmond. 1pm next Tuesday is gonna rock the quad at DVC. Jesus keep touching down on the concrete.
Rock on Dan the Man. Keep me posted on exciting stuff. I miss ya brother.
I'm on staff in the northwest but went to DVC back in the day. You ought to go to the humanities dept and see if Jackie Halm is still there... she's a committed Christian and has always had a heart to see DVC reached, and knows the other Christian profs on campus. Tell her Matt Mikalatos sent ya!
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