Flash Prayer-Gathering on Treasure Island
Wednesday, March 26th, 8-11pm (Spring Break)
“Bay Area college students* praying for
HolySpiritual revival, renewal, and awakening”
The Old Treasure Island Naval Chapel
(just off the I-80 Bay Bridge in the middle of San Francisco Bay)
California Ave and Avenue Palms San Francisco, CA 94130
RSVP on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=12199331802
Hosted by: Daniel Curran
Sponsored by: The San Francisco Metro Ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ – http://www.metamore.org/
Simple Instructions:
-7-7:30pm –Arrive on Island, find parking, gather/hang out in front of chapel
-7:30pm –Read further instructions posted on Chapel main entrance doors
-8pm –Chapel main entrance doors open
-Wear sweatshirts, hats other clothing with your colleges name or logo on it
-Dress Warm (no heating in chapel; island is windy)
-Bring your Bible & a personal water bottle (no snacks or beverages provided)
-Prep by meditating on 2 Chronicles 7:14, Matthew 28:16-20 & Zechariah 4:6
-Musicians bring one instrument: non-electric guitar, drums, didgeridoo, etc.
-Worship leaders each bring 6-12 hymnals, songbooks or song sheets
-Consider bringing a small cash offering with you to help cover rental costs
-Drivers ask someone in your cars to pray for safey & for God to meet with us
-Facebook this event to your college group, small groups & friends
*this gathering is primarily (but not exclusively) designed for students on break from Bay Area schools like SJSU, UCSF, CSUEB, UC Berkeley/UCSF, Sonoma State, Stanford, AAU, UC Santa Cruz, etc., …AND their friends who are home on break from schools outside the area. Also invited are ALL Bay Area community college students, campus ministers, college pastors, college-bound high school seniors, grad students, college-university faculty/staff (wear clothing with a name/logo from your favorite college and to help organize a carload of students to come with you!).
Note: the concept of a “Flash Prayer-Gathering” was inspired by the concept of “smart mobs” ( see Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_mob )or “flash mobs” (see Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_mob ). Flash mobs are a specific form of smart mob, originally describing a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, do something unusual for a brief period of time, then quickly disperse.
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