"April is Amazing" - There's a powerful spiritual convergence that happens on college campuses in April like no other month of the year. April is beautiful and memorable. Don't miss it. Jesus comes to campus in April!
April is post spring break and Easter season. It's boys and girls walking around in full bloom in every way imaginable. College community is at it's peak, campus clubs and living groups are in their prime, ...and everyone is strutting their stuff. It's sweet month to go-for-it relationally and socially. April is a rich season because Jesus weaves college memories for you that will last a lifetime.
It's a month to say all you've been wanting to say. It's a month to love with all your heart those you've been yearning to love. It's a month to allow Jesus of Nazareth to walk around campus in you and through you ---in the power of His beautiful Holy Spirit. April is a time to live it out and risk it all. Don't miss it! Everything unravells during finals. Everything dissapates over summer break. Walk around campus with eyes wide open. Jesus is on campus! Jesus is inside. Jesus is what makes April so Amazing.