
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Pray for me, I think God is calling me to drop the R-bomb at San Jose State University tonight... eta 8pm (and I'm scared -but willing)

your servant, Daniel 1:8

I don't know how to describe it, ...but I feel like I'm walking into something tonight when I speak again at SJSU. Into something that has been paved by the prayers of the faithful for decades. The hearts of today's college student are tinder dry for the fires of God to burn through them. I've been encouraged by local intercessors to speak from the deepest part of my heart. I have this message that the Holy Spirit has been working into me as I meditate on Matthew 28: 16-20. It's a message about "all authority & all presense". A message of the simultaneous soveriegnty(sp) AND intimacy of Jesus Christ -a truth that is so beautiful that I can't stop thinking about it. I feel like I'm supposed to broach the subject of revival & spiritual awakening at San Jose State tonight at CCC's NightLife meeting @ 8pm in Spartan Memorial. I'm trying to make sense of all God is teaching me from his Word, ...but I feel like "I'm being set up by God the Spirit", broken by God the Father, ...and led by God the Son.

Pray for me, my heart is overjoyed. I've seen the white hot embers of revival fireseeds burning firsthand in Berkeley at in an upper room prayer meeting in an attic of a house in South campus last week. I followed the Lord go back to UC Berkeley last week to minister on campus, ...for the first time in 2.5 years! I felt God's power working through me, felt his Word abiding in me, sensed the Holy Spirit directing me, ...and saw more happen in one day at Berkeley last week than I would normally see happen in an entire month or semester back in 2001-5. It wasn't me it was God, ...I don't think I bring that much power and passion to bear on the scene. God is at work on campus and I am humbled to see it firsthand!

Pray for me. Even San Francisco State is transforming as a campus in terms of it's sociology and spiritual openess. Everyone is noticing the change. I'm excited and scared and passionate for God to work in and through me during the next 24 hours and in the weeks and months ahead. I feel like "this is the Bay Area's Year". It's time for us to be "in one accord with the Lord" and with one another.

I'm having lunch w/ my daughter Ebey & Sarah Allis Yang (my dear former student drummer girl from ccc@Cal back in 97-98). She's been transformed. A life saved and found in Jesus. I'm finding myself in giving myself away. The Gospel seems to drip from my lips. Everyone wants to hear about Jesus, especially from a soul who is in love with him. Muslims, atheists, skeptics, the usual non-candidates -along w/ Christians -all variations, ...all seem to be hungry and thirsty for pure unadulterated Jesus Christ. Jesus, period dot end.

I need prayer support and I'm asking others to prayI don't know what I'm doing, ...yet I do. God is choreographing my steps. Pray that I "stay in step with the Spirit". Pray for "homothumadon" (greek) to happen, ...for God to manifest himself in such a way that it's verifiably God (not man). Pray that the believers in SJSU will "rush along in unison" with the same hearts, in the ame directions, all burning with the same fire.

I'm speaking in Chapel in East Oakland the next morning @ the School of Urban Missions. Pray for the Holy Spirit's discernment to bring the same kind of message to them, ...they just opened this new school, 80 inner-city college students, the poorest of the poor, all going to Bible college to get equipped to serve back in their communities. I don't really want to preach to them because I'm simply so excited to just visit their campus and get to know these beautiful students that God has raised up, ..."for such a time as this".

Here is a 3min+ clip from last october's uic night: ...listen to Lawrence's beautiful, pure-at-heart prayer towards the end, it sounds like Jesus' beautiful vision for SJSU, for all Bay Area campuses and beyond. Let's work, and preach, and pray Jesus' beautiful vision into existance, "Thy Kingdom come, even today.

<>< servant of all, Daniel 1:8

1 comment:

Charlie said...

how'd it go, daniel? what are your thoughts about it now, a few days after the event?