Dearly Beloved (v2.0), I had this wild ending to December and a beautiful beginning to January. God called me away for 2 weeks of speaking & teaching (9x) at CCC's Winter Conferences in San Diego & Dallas. Highlights were:
1) helping baptize 30-40 college students with Jaeson Ma/keynote speaker at the San Diego Winter Conference in the hotel fountain on New Years Eve (yes we got in trouble with the manager),
2) helping lead 3 morning "pray for spiritual revival" prayer times down in San Diego (God drew students to himself, esp. during a "56 Hours of Prayer" prayer room created on site by a UCLA student),
3) watching all 4 of my kids and Margee minister so beautifully to the missionary children in the conference childcare program (people kept coming up to me and saying how much they were touched by seeing my kids all serve together),
4) pancake candlelight dinner w/ my daughter Ebey @ her UCSD apartment and a prayerwalk w/ her "man" John afterwards at Windansea beach on New Years Day (priceless),
5) seeing over 150+ hungry-thirsty students come out to my "Praying for Jesus' Beautiful Vision" workshops at the Dallas Winter Conference, be trained how to pray for spiritual revival and awakening on their respective campuses (off-the-charts response to God as they prayed through 2 Chronicles 7:14 for themselves and their campuses),
6) being introduced to Melinda Carter and learning about this wonderful new Christian community that she has recently helped birth in Austin called "The Fireseed Anthology Project" (I am really inspired by her experiement: )
7) and, the amazing litany of divine prayers, appointments and ministry opportunities Jesus kept leading me into. Each and every one of which was very powerful yet refreshing to my soul. On the way home on the plane I began writing furiously in my journal all these fresh new ideas and insights that keep coming to me. (I felt like I was being carried along by the Lord!)
Now I'm back in the Bay Area and I'm looking forward to continuing to fan into flame the gifts God that He has given me. I want to gather students and others locally to pray for spiritual revival to happen at their schools, esp. at Diablo Valley College, UC Berkeley, and San Jose State University. I'm simply blown away by all the activity of the Holy Spirit I'm experiencing inside me and seeing break out around me and want to lean into all that God is doing...
Of special note: After the baptisms were finished, Jaeson Ma and Howie (student/UCLA) prayed for me and the San Jose state student delegates who were with me at the conference. While Jaeson prayed for me he saw a whirling vortex of the Spirit occuring on the SJSU campus ---a beautiful whirling movement of Jesus comprized of students from every nation, irresistibly drawing others into it. This is such a confirmation to me because I felt so strongly I was supposed to pray this fall for San Jose State, and I did -but with no clear vision or direction. I've recently been asked to be CCC's new ministry Network Coordinator for SJSU so I'm cherishing this encounter in my heart.
Whatever the case, something is up with this generation of college students and I'm humbled God is drawing me into it. Pray with me to help prepare the way for a new Great Awakening, another Jesus Movement, and a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on college campuse this spring. Like I said, it’s been a wild past two weeks.
Your servant, daniel
For information about the amazing and recently republished book "Fireseeds of Spiritual Awakening" by Dan Hayes, go to:
For a sample (pdf file) of the entire first chapter of "Fireseeds" go to: or click "The Fireseed-Revival Manifesto" link on my blog
-------------------------<><----------------------------- San Diego & Dallas Winter Conference Workshops description: "Praying for Jesus’ Beautiful Vision, ...Forming Prayer Bands That Spark Spiritual Revival & Awakening" by Daniel Curran Come pray for Jesus’ Beautiful Vision for your campus and your own life as well. Let’s “humble [ourselves] and pray” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Unity Gatherings and prayer movements are abounding on campuses all across North America. Let’s lean into what God is doing these days and pray for an outpouring of his Holy Spirit that sweeps this continent and beyond. You will be immersed into an invigorating, transferrable prayer-experience you can bring back to your campus. You will discover how to pray for revival –by actually doing it. We’ll also discuss: prayer band formation, prayer band “rules”, honoring Jesus’ co-mission to “as disciples, make disciples”, responsibly preparing for and leading in the midst of revival, the necessity of full student ownership, and the indispensable role of faculty advisors, college pastors & campus ministers.
oh yes let's see the HS work in sjsu this fall! Hallelujah!
dan, you are in the center of it. Wow. Keep up the inspiring!
Let's continue to believe that God will use us and others to fan into flame the fire
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